jpalardy/vim-slime: A vim plugin to give you some slime. (Emacs) — Send text to a terminal to run it there.An example could be that you are running "artisan" to try some code. With vim you can write some example code and send that to artisan to run it there.
Starship — Fast prompt written in Rust
Broot — Tool to show overview of your files with features for preview, cd, and more.
foriequal0/git-trim: Automatically trims your branches whose tracking remote refs are merged or stray — Trim your local branches in Git after they were merged online.
The PhpStorm Blog : The Lightning-Smart IDE for PHP Programming | JetBrains Blog - PhpStorm 2021.2 EAP #2: Extract Method Refactoring Reworked — Extract method and more
pstuifzand/tree-sitter-printf: Tree-sitter grammar for printf formats — Tree sitter grammar for printf. Can be used to highlight format strings.
Linus about Vaccines
Getting started with Loki using Docker
Nocodb — Interface for your database
Nobel archives reveal judges’ safety fears for Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn — About the discussion in the archives of the Swedish Academy about giving a Nobel prize to Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
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This website was created by Peter Stuifzand. Currently I'm testing micropub, microsub and working on Indieweb things.