Making 1Password understand where your change password page is located — You can add an endpoint that redirects to your change password page. 1Password will pick that up.
Come for the Network, Pay for the Tool — About paid social networks.
Nuxt 3 - The Hybrid Vue Framework — I have been using Nuxt at work. It works pretty well. It's nice to see a version with incremental static generation.
gchq/CyberChef: The Cyber Swiss Army Knife - a web app for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis — Tool for processing text according to a recipe.
Mike Crittenden - It’s not Scrum’s fault that you do it wrong —
Exploring the CSS Paint API
why scrum is becoming irrelevant
Onderzoek: eerdere infectie beschermt veel beter dan vaccin
Is deze wet het recept voor de volgende toeslagenaffaire?
Opinie: Stop algoritmen van overheid die tot discriminatie en uitsluiting leiden
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This website was created by Peter Stuifzand. Currently I'm testing micropub, microsub and working on Indieweb things.