There are many parts to the microsub spec. My server implements follow and preview. But Monocle doesn't, and Together does. Perhaps there is a place for external tools that help with following and add feeds to your microsub reader.
I just added the Twitter reply context to likes. Will work for replies as well. Next step: improve html version of the tweets.
Test with new client_id.
It works. I also needed to add matching with HTML content.
I added a filter to the microsub-server that posts an entry to the feed, when my name is mentioned. Let's try this: Peter.
It started raining after six days of nice sunny weather ☔
I just disabled destinations from my micropub endpoint, because Monocle won't show the "New Post" interface otherwise. But before I can select destinations, I will have to implmement the destination: the new wrimini blog. And perhaps I also need to implement the client side of destinations somewhere...
I now have the author cards in the notifications that I receive for webmentions. This makes more sense than having my own card everywhere.
New alpha release of Wrimini
I just released the latest version of Wrinini. There is not much changed in the front, except for the name field. It was added to make it easier to create issues on GitHub. It also helps to create articles more easily. The other change is that the app now authorizes with your default browser instead of the webview.
There were also a few bugfixes. If you share an url with text, which some apps do, Wrinini will now separate the text and url into their separate fields.
Thinking about creating project pages on my this website, where replies will be added as issues and replies to issues will be comments. Similar to how supports Github.