Use of space in a Bullet Journal

The Bullet Journal method tells us how to add notes to our notebooks without having to plan. Notebooks are linear. If we plan our spreads, we never know if we leave enough room for things to come. The Bullet Journal Method is a method where we don't have to plan.

We add new notes on the next empty spread. The structure of the notebook grows with the use and removes the need for planning the content in advance. Each type of collection adds a constant number of pages.

We place the Monthly Log in the next open spread. The Monthly Log only takes two pages. The following pages are still empty and ready to be used. Only in front of the Monthly Log is there a possibility of a partial space. But this should be no more that one or two pages.

The Daily Log uses as much space as is needed. It grows linearly to use as much space as we need until the next collection. We can split a Daily Log at any time. We continue with the Daily Log after the collection.

The Future log uses constant space. We can reserve as many pages as needed and think about how long we will use a notebook. We add pages in spreads of 6 months. So depending on the speed with which we fill a notebook, we can add 6, 12, or 18 months and use 1, 2, or 3 spreads.

In a Bullet Journal, we can have many pages between multiple parts of a collection. There are two ways in which we can connect these parts: the Index and threading.

The Index contains all the collections that we created. Each collection has a list of page numbers where we can find it. We can add collections in two ways: the first way is to collect all page numbers for a collection on the same line. When we have a new spread, we add the page numbers following the entry with the same name.

The second way is to write every collection on a new line with the page number after it. When you add a new spread for the same collection, you add its name and page number at the end of the Index.

With threading, you connect all the spreads of the same collection. We thread the last page of the current collection to the next page of the next collection.

The Bullet Journal method removes the need to plan pages in advance, because of how we add pages and how we can find what we want.