Bullet Journal Companion App

Today when I opened the Bullet Journal app, I found a message that it was updated. It now is at version 2.0. In this upgrade, there are a few changes.

There is a lot more possible with the app, next to the features that were already in there.


  • Reflection

    • Calendar

    • Year overview

    • Take images of reflection pages

    • Add pages to your library

  • Library

    • A list of Bullet Journals

    • Add pages to your Bullet Journals

    • Add start and end dates

    • Add cover images

    • Add page count

    • Collections of pages

  • Guide

    • Articles about the basics of Bullet Journaling

  • Articles

    • List of articles in the blog.

  • Store

    • Link to the website, where you can buy new websites

  • Log

    • Log tasks, notes, and events

    • Logged items are removed after 72 hours

    • Tasks can be "migrated", or "completed"

  • Settings

    • Backup

    • Backup reminder

    • Reflection Times

    • Reflection Reminder


There is a lot more focus on keeping images of your journals and the pages within them. The interface makes it possible to page through your journal when you have the photos taken. These photos allow you to get an overview of the pages and the collections in your journals.

Keeping pictures of the pages of you journal was not possible in the Android app.


The app is a companion app. The normal Bullet Journal is very good at what it does, but this app improves on that by allowing you to log some thing when you don't have your Bullet Journal with you.

The log allows you to add tasks. A tasks can be completed or migrated. The expectation is that you copy the items from the Log to your Journal. If you don't copy the items, they are removed automatically after 72 hours.

The status of the tasks can also be set. By sliding the tasks to the right, you can change the dot to an right angle bracket (to show migration) or to an x to show that the tasks was already completed.

Events can also be logged in the app. These can be migrated by sliding them to the right.

The last thing you can do in the Log is writing down notes. These notes are also removed after 72 hours.


It's now possible to keep backups. In the previous version there was no way to keep stuff, so a backup was not very useful. Now it's possible to make pictures of the pages of your Bullet Journals. These pages are backed up. The app also makes it possible for you to get an reminder automatically as an entry in your Log.


This new version has a lot of new features to work with. I need to spend some more time with this to get a real feel for how useful this is. It's great that the Android app got some love.