When editing projects the values for summary and content are filled in the right way.
Fix double image proxy links for parsed posts from my own site
The profile image on issues has double media proxy links. The media proxy shouldn't be used when it is used in the url.
Replace text links in Twitter ref posts with html links
The links in the Twitter ref posts are always textual urls in the tweets. These should be replaced with actual HTML links.
Allow comments on issues
Comments on issues should be allowed to be webmentioned. A webmention with an in-reply-to h-entry to should be added as comment below the referenced issue.
Scrape the author for this blog
Fix the author in the post or fix the way the author information is scraped. Either could be wrong or incomplete.
This website was created by Peter Stuifzand.
Currently I'm testing micropub, microsub and working on Indieweb things.