I happened to stumble across the recorded livestream of @tantek's IndieWeb talk at the Decentralized Web Summit, so today I extracted just his talk from the livestream and published it as a standalone video! 📺▶️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9FSPcmybT8 #dwebsummit #dweb
Holy hell, Node. A package with 2 million downloads a week and the maintainer hands over control to a rando stranger? And now it's mining cryptocurrency. Wow. github.com/dominictarr/ev… pic.twitter.com/MkqhHzjic1
@bookshelfstud @MelanieLot7 @arhythmetric In particular I think Theon asking the Weirwoods for a sword to redeem himself is maybe word for word how the Others started. Begging their help, and the trees and children granting his wish. But it's like that saying, when the gods seek to punish they answer prayers.
"Brandon the Builder sought the aid of the children while raising the Wall... *The manner in which* 😰 Brandon learned to comprehend the speech of the children is a tale in itself, and *not worth repeating* [abomination]..." twitter.com/joemagician42/…
Australia recently banned Chinese Manufacturer Huawei from our 5g networks because it couldn't be trusted to not contain a state-sponsored back door. Then proceeded to pass laws forcing Australian Tech to create state sponsored back doors. Genius. RIP Tech Exports #auspol pic.twitter.com/UiGqqN3Jb4
Ekster now contains a new feature. The backend now supports two types of Redis based timeline backends. The default is still the timeline based on sorted sets. The new type is based on streams. The notification channel will now use this new stream type. Not many entries are posted to this channel, but I will use it for more things in the future.


When designing a user interface, imagine some old woman using it, say Margaret Hamilton, and she's clicking your app's buttons and saying to you, as old people do,

"Young whippersnapper, when I was your age, I sent 24 people to the ACTUAL MOON with my software in 4K of RAM and here I am clicking your button and it takes ten seconds to load a 50 megabyte video ad and then it crashes

I'm not even ANGRY with you, I'm just disappointed."


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